Change Agents in our Schools
Destroy Your Children - Betray Your Country


A very good book, written in 1979, exposes
our public indoctrination centers (public schools) for what
they really are - agents of change (this is their own term for
themselves). The book extensively quotes the NEA,
educators, and authors that are influential in molding teaching
goals and philosophy. The below are from those who teach our
teachers, and/or who write the material that teaches our teachers.

They are taught how to disguise what they are teaching by
changing definitions of terms so that certain programs seen
innocuous. How to keep parents out of the textbook and so
on. They are being conditioned to be change agents, to, in
their own words, 'unfreeze the child from their Judeao Christian
morals and ethics, instill different morals and ethics, and
refreeze them". Note the wording you will see in the following
"change agents, comfortable with change, new moral order,
subversively, physical and social isolation necessary for the
incubation process, counterculture".

Destroy Your Children - Betray Your Country
by Barbara M. Morris
Here are a few quotes from this teachers book:
"The basic goal of education is change - - human change in
desirable directions.... This issue.... focuses attention upon
the school as a change-agent - - and the specific focus is on
changing people."

(Harold D. Drummond: 'Leadership for Human Change'. In
EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP, December, 1964, p. 147)
"...the goal of education must be to develop individuals who
are open to change... The goal of education must be to develop
a society in which people can live more comfortably with change
than with rigidity. In the coming world the capacity to face the
new appropriately is more important than the ability to know and
repeat the old."

(Op. Cit; EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP, December, 1964, p. 148)
"... our efforts as educators must not be directed to restoring
the past order of morality but to participating in creating a new
one... when it is shed there will be a new moral order to take it's
place... a counterculture that will burst through the surface."

(Roberta T. Ash; "Durkheim's Moral Education Reconsidered: Toward
the Creation of a Counterculture". In SCHOOL REVIEW, November,
1971, p. 112)
"Formal education carried on subversively, can be in the forefront
of building a new moral order... it provides some measure of the
physical and social isolation necessary for the incubation process."

(Roberta T. Ash; "Durkheim's Moral Education Reconsidered: Toward
the Creation of a Counterculture". In SCHOOL REVIEW, November,
1971, p. 132)
"....teachers who conform to the traditional institutional mode are
out of place. They might find fulfillment as tap-dance instructors,
or guards in maximum security prisons or proprietors of reducing
salons, or agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - - but
they damage teaching, children, and themselves by staying in
the classroom."

(NEA book, Schools For the 70's And Beyond)
/i>"Development of a new kind of elementary school teacher
who... engages in teaching as a clinical practice... and functions
as a responsible agent of social change."

(This is the first major goal identified in the 'Feasibility Study:
Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program', commonly
known as the B STEP program published with federal funds
by Michigan State University, January, 1970.)
"Traditionally, organized education in the Western world was
Church education. It could hardly be otherwise when the
education of children was primarily study of the Word and
the ways of God. Even in the Protestant countries, where
there was a less close identification of Church and State,
the basis of education was largely the Bible, and its chief
purpose inculcation of piety..."

-- United States Supreme Court, McCollum v. Board of Education,
333 U.S. 203, Justice Felix Frankfurter rendering the court's

Information provided by:
Militia of Montana
P.O. Box 1486, Noxon, MT 59853
Tel: 406-847-2735
Fax: 406-847-2246

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