What ALL the Press and Media do not tell us!

The Sheboygan Press, a typical mid-size city paper, printed on Sunday, December 3rd, 2000, and I quote:
"We will act honorably and ethically in dealing with news sources,
the public and our colleagues. We will obey the laws. We will observe common standards
of decency. We will take responsibility for our decisions and consider the
possible consequences of our actions. We will be conscientious in
observing these principals. We will always try to do the right thing".
Read their "Principles of Ethical Conduct for Newsrooms" in its entirety.

Distortion of the truth is the only thing they have mastered.
We all have minds of our own.
Let us use them to our utmost, God-given ability

Debunking the Myth of the Media Bias on the Gay Issue
The press, supposedly the great defender of freedom of speech, has
boarded the homosexual bandwagon. We cannot realistically expect
journalists to investigate and report what America will be like if the
homosexuals succeed in realizing their agenda. Those who would like
to do so would be putting their careers in danger if they tried to carry
out such a project. The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
would see to that.
The legitimization of the homosexual lifestyle has made enormous strides in
America in the past 30 years. An NBC entertainment program Policewoman
program was a good example of the vicious attacks on those who dare exercise
their freedom of speech to criticize behavior that for generations had been treated
as immoral and illegal throughout the United States. The NBC program's message
was that those who are against equal -rights laws for homosexuals have Nazi
mentalities. One of the characters in the program spoke ominously of "the Hitlers,
the McCarthys and the lunatic fringe."
The scandals surrounding the spread of this new deadly disease, AIDS, was
principally the failure of public health authorities to take the steps necessary to
curb its spread because the homosexuals vehemently objected to them. They didn't
want the carriers to be identified, much less quarantined. They didn't want their
"bathhouses" closed down even though they facilitated the rapid spread of the disease.
Thousands have died unnecessarily because the authorities and the media were
guided by the demands of the homosexuals,
not the rules that had been applied
previously to control contagious diseases.

Nightline Solicits Homosexual Help
What the homosexuals wanted was not in the best interests of society
or their own best interests. Since then, their influence on the media has
increased immensely. They are aggressively trying to spread their
dangerous and often self-destructive life-style. This was demonstrated at
the annual conference of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
(NLGJA) in Dallas on Sept. 8. Tom Bettag, the executive producer of ABC's
Nightline, and two other spokesmen for ABC News were there to take part in
a panel to discuss a five-part series on Nightline scheduled to air in the first
week of October. (It was postponed and had not aired as of Oct. 8.) The title
of the series, "A Matter of Choice? Gay Life in America," came under fire from
the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), which insists that
homosexuality is not a matter of choice.
Bettag had responded prior to the conference, saying, "There should, indeed,
be concern about the notion of homosexuality and choice. The presumed ability
to choose is regularly invoked by people who are responsible for serious acts
of bigotry and hate crimes." Addressing some 400 journalists and homosexual
activists, Bettag appealed for their help in advising Ted Koppel how to handle claims
that homosexuals are more likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse young
children. He said it was important that this be addressed by Nightline because it
was the root of a lot of the fear of homosexuals.

Debunking the Myth of the Supposed Shrinking Deficit
What the media DOES NOT choose, or know how, to say, is that a shrinking
deficit is to be expected. When a ten year budget shows a surplus of $5.62
trillion, is based on the highest level of activity in American history, and by
design has been reduced by $1.35 trillion in the same period, is that the surplus
is MEANT to decrease. Not only is it MEANT to decrease, it NEEDS to decrease,
and it WILL decrease. It should come as no surprise that the average annual
surplus, which would have been $562 billion, will be reduced by design to $428
billion. Add to that the fact that every economist knows, but few in the media will
accept, that the market is cyclic and will fall just as easily as rise, and the
consuming public is faced with a one sided presentation of events that says
only one thing; "The government should have a ton of money in the bank, it
doesn't, and its ALL BUSH'S FAULT..."

Debunking the liberal/Press Myth that ANWR is "Pristine"
Commentary taken from the Goldberg Files by Jonah Goldberg

Big Oil, Caribou and Greed - The Debate over ANWR

I got to see what Joe Lieberman called "one of the most beautiful, pristine
places that the good Lord has created on Earth" and "one of God's awesome
creations." This is a form of divine slander.
When you watch the evening-news programs on ANWR, most of the time you
see mountains and beautiful rivers and lakes and all that.
That's not where they want to drill for oil. In fact, they can't drill for oil in those
places for two very straightforward reasons. First, there's no oil there. Second,
it's against the law.
The only spot where it's legal to drill for oil is on what's called the coastal
plain of ANWR, the snippet on the northern coast of the Refuge. You rarely see
pictures of the coastal plain - it's not what TV producers call a "beauty shot."
The coastal plain is a vast tract of peat bog and mud puddles. The coastal
plain is a breeding ground for awful flying critters. There are trillions of
mosquitoes. There are creatures called warble flies and nosebots, two
bumblebee-like flies that cause the caribou unrelenting grief..
But the truth is, the beauty of the coastal plain isn't really in the eye of the
beholder, it's in the imagination of the liberals who have never beheld
the thing and never will. Pay attention to the debate over ANWR. One word
will come up more than any other. That word is "pristine." The Inupiat
Eskimos, who support drilling in their homeland, have been offing the
caribou up there for centuries.

Debunking the Myth on the Environment
The information on this issue is very extensive. I will post a portion of it and
the link following so you may read the rest if you so desire.
Environmentalists tend to believe that, ecologically speaking, things are getting
worse and worse. Bjorn Lomborg, once deep green himself, argues that they
are wrong in almost every particular.
ECOLOGY and economics should push in the same direction. After all, the “eco”
part of each word derives from the Greek word for “home”, and the protagonists
of both claim to have humanity's welfare as their goal. Yet environmentalists
and economists are often at loggerheads. For economists, the world seems
to be getting better. For many environmentalists, it seems to be getting worse.
These environmentalists, led by such veterans as Paul Ehrlich of Stanford
University, and Lester Brown of the Worldwatch Institute, have developed a
sort of “litany” of four big environmental fears:

• Natural resources are running out.

• The population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat.

• Species are becoming extinct in vast numbers:
forests are disappearing and fish
stocks are collapsing.

• The planet's air and water are becoming ever more polluted.

*Human activity is thus defiling the earth, and humanity may end up
killing itself in the process.

* The “litany” of environmental fears is not backed up by evidence

The trouble is, the evidence does not back up this litany. First, energy and other
natural resources have become more abundant, not less so since the Club of
Rome published “The Limits to Growth” in 1972. Second, more food is now
produced per head of the world's population than at any time in history. Fewer
people are starving. Third, although species are indeed becoming extinct, only
about 0.7% of them are expected to disappear in the next 50 years, not 25-50%,
as has so often been predicted. And finally, most forms of environmental pollution
either appear to have been exaggerated, or are transient—associated with the
early phases of industrialisation and therefore best cured not by restricting
economic growth, but by accelerating it. One form of pollution—the release of
greenhouse gases that causes global warming—does appear to be a long-term
phenomenon, but its total impact is unlikely to pose a devastating problem for the
future of humanity. A bigger problem may well turn out to be an inappropriate
response to it.
The truth about the environment - Click Here

Debunking Four Myths about President Bush's Tax Relief Plan
WASHINGTON-Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) has debunked four
myths that have circulated over the course of the legislative debate.

MYTH #1: Bringing the top tax bracket down to a sensible 33% would
be a windfall for the "rich."

FACT: According to the Treasury Department, since many small
businesses are not organized as corporations and therefore file
individual tax returns, 63 percent of those benefiting from a 33%
maximum rate would be small business owners. Grover Norquist,
President of Americans for Tax Reform, remarked, "the only windfall
this tax cut offers is a windfall for job-creating entrepreneurs and
those seeking employment."

MYTH #2: The American People are not overly taxed.
FACT: Media mogul David Geffen recently stated, "Speaking for
myself, I don't need a tax cut or tax relief." However, a majority of
voters believe that the current 39.6% tax rate is unfair. Fifty-two
percent (52%) of registered voters agreed in a recent Fox News/Opinion
Dynamics poll that the highest tax rate anybody should have to pay was
no more than 20 percent in federal, state and local taxes combined.
"If anything the American people think that capping the federal
government's take at 33% would be a good start," Norquist added.

MYTH #3: The Death Tax Favors the Rich
FACT: Death Tax favors the rich.in large part to the Death Tax, over
70% of family businesses do not survive the second generation and
87% fail to make it to the third generation. This results in a loss of jobs.
"The Death Tax amounts to double taxation -- once when people are alive
and again when they die. For this reason, the deservedly despised Death
Tax must be given a death penalty of its own and it will under President
Bush's plan," Norquist added.

MYTH #4: The tax cut costs too much money.
FACT: Those who study economic history know that when taxes are
cut, government revenue increases. It happened in the Coolidge,
Kennedy and Reagan administrations when government revenue increased
by 61%, 33% and 54%, respectively. "Liberals should not fear this tax
relief package. In previous Presidential administrations when taxes
were cut, there was a 49% increase in government revenue. It happened
then and it will happen again if President Bush's tax relief is passed,"
Norquist concluded.

Debunking the Myth that the Press Observes Common Standards of Decency
THE PRACTICE - ABC TV show Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 7:42 PM
Subject: ABC TV anti Christian bent
This is worth letting you know about. A Mr. Neugent wrote a letter to ABC
Online Webmaster. His comments are as follows:
I wrote to ABC concerning a program called "THE PRACTICE." One of the lawyer's
mother decided she was gay and wanted her son to go to court to help her get a
marriage license to marry her 'partner.' I sent the following letter to ABC yesterday
and really did not expect a reply ... but I did get one. My original message was:
ABC is obsessed (or should I say abscessed) with the subject of homosexuality.
I will no longer watch any of your attempts to convince the world that homosexuality
is OK. THE PRACTICE can be a fairly good show but last night's program was so typical
of your agenda. You picked the 'dufus' of the office to be the one who was against the
idea of his mother being gay and made him look like a whiner because he had
convictions. This type of mentality calls people like me a "gay basher."
Read the first chapter of Romans (that's in the Bible) and see what the apostle Paul
had to say about it... He and God and Jesus were all 'gay bashers.' What if she'd
fallen in love with her cocker spaniel ... is that an alternative lifestyle?
(By the way, the Bible speaks against that, too.) Jim Neugent
Here is ABC's reply from the ABC online Webmaster:
How about getting your nose out of the Bible (which is ONLY a book of stories
compiled by MANY different writers hundreds of years ago) and read the Declaration of
Independence (what our nation is built on) where it says "All Men are Created Equal"
and try treating them that way for a change!? Or better yet, try thinking for yourself
and stop using an archaic book of stories as your lame crutch for your existence.
You are in the minority in this country and your boycott will not affect us or our freedom of expression.
Information provided from:
Phil Burkett, President
Communications Resources, Inc. (CRI)
P.O. Box 22145
6008 Shallowford Road
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37422

Debunking the Myth that the Press Is Not Biased
Several examples follow:

RE: Joshua Macabe Brown
In Arkansas, jury selection began in the trial of Joshua Macabe Brown,
one of two homosexuals charged with the 1999 rape/murder of
13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising. You may recall, the two sociopaths
tortured, raped and murdered the child, yet the Leftmedia gave the
case scant mention, despite the yearlong media feeding frenzy over the
murder of a homosexual man in Wyoming -- fodder for Clinton's "hate
crimes" legislation.

Hiding The Truth About Homosexuality
The newspaper coverage of the census findings about same-sex partnerships
shows why Americans cannot depend on their media to tell the truth about
homosexuality. Even newspapers in the famous "red" states, those that voted
for Bush in 2000, are influenced by the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists
Association and the power of the homosexual public relations machine. If they
cannot be relied upon to see through the spin of the homosexual organizations and
put the census findings about homosexual households in proper perspective, they
can-not be relied upon to investigate and report the facts discussed below that the
public should know.
Disease - The campaign to portray homosexuals as just like everyone else
overlooks the fact that their risky promiscuous conduct is primarily responsible for
the spread of AIDS. Their refusal to accept the measures necessary to prevent the
spread of the AIDS epidemic resulted in the loss of thousands of lives that could have
been saved if they had been willing to change their behavior. Costly medicines have
prolonged the lives of those who are HIV positive, but they have also encouraged a
reversion to the risky behavior that started the AIDS epidemic and contributed to the
spread of other sexually transmitted diseases.

By Linda P. Harvey
The 2000 census included for the first time a count of households consisting
of unmarried partners, heterosexual and homosexual. This was seized upon by
homosexual activists as an opportunity to give the impression that stable
same-sex partnerships are numerous and growing, fueling the drive for legalizing
same-sex marriage. My review of 37 articles from newspapers across the
country published between June 1 and August 27 found that the reporting on the
census data was heavily influenced by national homosexual activist groups. The
fingerprints of their public relations campaign were seen everywhere. The same
sources were quoted repeatedly. There was a marked lack of balance, with only a
handful of papers including comments from as much as one conservative source.
There were numerous pro-homosexual comments in virtually every article. And in
most cases, the homosexual household issue dominated the paper's analysis of the
census findings. The papers failed their readers by neglecting to provide objective
analysis of the census data.

The Homosexual Campaign
Press releases and material from a campaign called "Make Your Family
Count" had been distributed by national homosexual advocacy groups since
March 2000, and their influence on the newspapers was obvious. David Smith,
a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, HRC, was quoted in ten
articles. Gary Gates of the Urban Institute, which had contracted with the HRC
to prepare an analysis of the census data, was quoted in eight. Staff from the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, NGLTF, were quoted in seven and at
least one local homosexual activist was quoted in virtually every story.

Traditional Views Short-changed
In 26 of the 37 articles, no conservative was quoted. Moreover, in several of
these articles, acknowledgment of conservative sentiment was summarized by the
reporter within the text and then quickly dismissed. This follows the guidelines
given out at the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association annual meeting
last year to the many representatives from U.S. newspapers who attended. To
demonstrate solid support of homosexuality, reporters were advised to exclude
traditional views or have a homosexual summarize and then dismiss them.
By contrast, national pro-family groups were quoted in only three stories.
The newspapers cooperated beautifully in spreading that theme. The Dallas Morning
News quoted David Smith's statement in the HRC and NGLTF press releases,
"Gay families are living in nearly every neighborhood of every county in the United
States." The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the Denver Post used the same
statement, but they attributed it to Gary Gates. The Associated Press story, which
also appeared in the New York Times, used a statement that was virtually identical
without attributing it to anyone. USA Today ran its story under the headline, "Most
U.S. counties include gay families."

Media's blatant Democratic bias begs questions by Howie Carr
Sunday, December 3, 2000
I watch TV, and except for Fox, it's all-Al-all-the-time, so I have a
few questions about the coverage of the media's monthlong telethon for
the man who invented the Internet.

For instance, how come, when the Florida Legislature has 58 Democrats
among its 160 members, it's always referred to as ``Republican-dominated,??
which it is, but the Florida Supreme Court, which includes zero
Republicans, is never called ``Democrat-dominated???

How come when the Republican Legislature says it will follow the
Constitution as written it's a ``partisan political ploy,?? but when the
Florida Supreme Court turns the law upside down to give Al Gore an
extra 12 days to steal the election, it?s an impartial judiciary just
doing its job?

How come it's not ``hate speech?? when Bill Maher says on national
TV Thursday night that as the country watched the Ryder van with the
Palm Beach ballots moving up the Florida turnpike, ``For a few brief
moments, America held the hope that O.J. Simpson had murdered
Katherine Harris???

And how come it isn't ``mean-spirited?? when Craig Kilborn freeze-frames
a picture of George W. Bush with a caption that says ``Snipers Wanted???
Probably for the same reason that it was permissible during impeachment
for reputed actor Alec Baldwin to mention it might be a good idea to stone
Rep. Henry Hyde and his family to death. If you're a Beautiful Person from
Hollywood and you suggest lynching Republicans, that's fair comment under
the First Amendment. If you're a Republican and you live within 300 miles of
a lynching, you may as well have personally knotted the rope.

How come looking into the sex life of Bill Clinton, when it involves perjury,
obstruction of justice and sexual harassment, is ``the politics of personal
destruction,?? but, as Laura Ingraham noted, trying to dig up dirt on
Katherine Harris? sex life is investigative journalism?

How come when Bill Clinton gets 60 percent approval for anything it's a
``mandate?? but when 60 percent of the country wants Al Gore to throw
in the towel the caption at the bottom of the screen is ``The Nation Divided???
How come George Bush has an MBA from Harvard Biz and he's a moron
and Al Gore ``dropped out?? of Vanderbilt Law School and he's a genius?

How come no one on TV can mention Katherine Harris without remarking
on the fact that she worked in the Bush campaign, but outside a handful of
newspapers, no one ever points out that Florida attorney general Bob
Butterworth was chairman of Al Gore's campaign in the Sunshine State?

How come so few media outlets picked up the Miami Herald story that
hundreds, probably thousands, of ex-cons illegally cast ballots in Florida?

How come, after the Republicans lost their bid to convict Bill Clinton of high
crimes and misdemeanors in the Senate, the left wing Ivy League chattering
skulls said as one that it was time for America to ``move on.?? But now,
even after Al Gore has lost recount after recount, you could forfeit your
invitation to Renaissance Weekend by suggesting that it's now time for
America to ``move on.??

How come, on election night, Al Gore ``won?? states but they always ``fell??
to George Bush? How come it's always germane to point out that seven of
the nine members of the U.S. Supreme Court were appointed by Republican
presidents (even though at least two of them have since flipped sides), but
it's not even worth 10 seconds to say that basically all seven Florida jurists
were appointed by Democrats?

Why does no one ever mention that one of the Florida justices is so ignorant
that during one hearing he referred to the ``Electorial College???
How come all the Gore rumpswabs in the press keep referring to the
Seminole County case as involving ``ballot tampering,?? when actually
it's applications for ballots?

And why do you have to go to Florida newspapers to find out that the
judge hearing the case had her campaign do exactly the same thing
when she was running?

All in all, this campaign of disinformation is just what you'd expect from
these sleazeballs, and it's only going to get worse before their hero Al
gets the job he so richly deserves - ambassador to Chad.


(When someone demands to be hypenated,
I wonder where their loyalties lie).
"In an effort to appease Racial McCarthyites Republicans promised
to stamp out 'racial profiling.' But there is no way to end 'racial
profiling' -- as the Democrats define it -- except by giving up the
fight against crime. Black males represent 6% of the population but
commit more than 40% of the violent crimes. Since 'racial profiling'
was outlawed in New Jersey, drug arrests have dropped 55% on the
Garden State Parkway. The Democratic Party and their Republican
appeasers have increased the flow of narcotics to New Jersey's
inner-city African American communities." --David Horowitz
Comment: Equal protection of the laws should cover it all. In
today's politically correct world, this is translated as covering
everyone except whites.... Go Figure!

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